加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚理工大学 (BCIT)

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚理工大学 (BCIT)

Founded in 1964, BCIT is one of Canada’s largest post-secondary institutions, with nearly 50,000 students enrolled every year. BCIT offers over 400 programs in business, computing, engineering, health, media and sciences with granting status in Honorary Doctor of Technology, Applied Master’s degrees, Bachelor’s degree and diploma. Different than a college or university, BCIT’s approach combines small classes, applied academics and hands-on experience so that students are ready to launch their career from day one. Our students are in high demand because employers know they can expect the best from BCIT graduates.

于1964年建校, BCIT是加拿大目前规模最大公立的应用型理工大学之一。BCIT在校生近五万名,开设近400个专业,分类为:商学、计算机、工程、健康科学、多媒体及自然科学等。由高教部授权,BCIT可颁发荣誉博士学位、应用硕士学位、技术学士学位和大专文凭。不同于其它院校,BCIT办学最突出的特点是注重于培养学生的知识应用技能通过小班上课形式使学生来校的第一天就开始培养就业的能力。BCIT的毕业生一直受到企业和社会的广泛好评和欢迎,不少加拿大工商企业将其作为招收关键技术和管理人才的标准。
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